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130 Delegation and Authority of the President and Presidential Succession

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees
Last Updated: May 10, 2024
Last Reviewed: May 10, 2024
130.1 Responsibilities

The University President, as chief executive officer, is responsible to the Indiana State University Board of Trustees for the operation, organization and administration of the University.

  • 130.1.1 Functional Areas. The University is organized into the following major functional areas: Academic Affairs, Finance and Administration, Student Affairs, University Advancement, and University Engagement.
  • 130.1.2 Delegation. The University President delegates the administration of each of these functional units to a vice president. Each of the functional areas is organized into related administrative divisions, departments, units, and offices.
  • 130.1.3 Other Direct Reports. In addition to the vice presidents, the following also report directly to and regularly meet with the University President as the executive staff: the General Counsel; the Executive Director for Government Relations; the Chief of Staff; the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, and the Assistant to President for Human Relations.
130.2 Relationship to Board of Trustees

An agenda of items requiring Board of Trustees action is prepared by the University President and the Secretary of the University. Actions and recommendations of the University Faculty Senate, committees of the faculty, instructional departments and administrative divisions (through the appropriate vice presidents) which require approval of the Board are transmitted to the Board of Trustees by the University President with recommendations for appropriate action.

130.3 Delegation of Authority
  • 130.3.1 Normal Business Items. The Board of Trustees has delegated to the University President the authority to approve the following normal, recurring items of business: financial analyses, the purchasing reports, the vendor reports, personnel actions, grants and contracts, and internship agreements. These items shall be presented to the Board of Trustees as items of information only, requiring no formal action.
  • 130.3.2 Fees for Programs of Strategic Importance. The Board of Trustees has authorized the University President to determine programs of strategic importance to the University that would be eligible for a flexible fee assessment. With the approval of the President and Treasurer, the Provost is authorized to establish a credit hour fee for such strategically important programs that is not lower than the direct costs of such programs.
  • 130.3.3 Ticket Prices. The Board of Trustees has delegated to the University President, or his delegate(s), authority to fix prices for tickets for all events taking place on the campus of Indiana State University. The University President shall report to the Board of Trustees, from time to time, prices charged for such tickets.
  • 130.3.4 On-Campus Workshop Fees. The Board of Trustees has authorized the Provost and the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration to determine on-campus workshops of strategic importance to the University that are not in lieu of program-related semester/term course offerings. These programs would not require the assessment of mandatory fees such as the recreation center fee. With the approval of the Provost and the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, an alternative credit hour fee for these workshops may be established, as may be deemed warranted. This authorization applies to all future workshop offerings, however, it does not extend to distance delivered workshop courses delivered via ISU.
  • 130.3.5 Fees for Global Initiatives. The Board of Trustees has authorized the Provost and the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration to determine global initiatives of strategic importance to the University. These strategic initiatives are defined as international programs represented by signed participation agreements 1) from which the University derives specific benefit and that accord with broader University strategic goals; 2) under which a previously unidentified strategic advantage presented itself and supports larger University goals; or 3) through which objectives articulated by national, state, or local governing entities can be supported as an element of the University’s civic service mission. With the approval of the Provost and the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, an alternative credit hour fee of 125% of the standard Board approved in-state fee in effect at the time of delivery of academic instruction may be established in association with such initiatives, effective beginning Fall, 2010.
  • 130.3.6 Fees for Student Recreation Center. The Board of Trustees has delegated to the University President the authority to set fees for the use of the Student Recreation Center.
  • 130.3.7 Fees for Facility Rentals. The Board of Trustees has delegated to the University President and University Treasurer the authority to review and establish facility rental rates for rental of University owned and operated venues.
  • 130.3.8 Fees and Fines for Library Services. The Board of Trustees has delegated to the University President and University Treasurer the authority to set library fines and fees for replacement of lost books and library materials, photocopies, and other services. These fines and fees apply to both students and faculty and staff members.
  • 130.3.9 Other Fees. The Board of Trustees has authorized the President and Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration to determine fees and charges for retail operations or sales and services to the public and University community.
    • Salary Tables. The Board of Trustees has authorized the President to approve salary tables for exempt and non-exempt staff based upon the budget parameters approved by the Board of Trustees.
  • 130.3.10 Certain Matters Regarding the Evaluation of the Faculty of the University. The Board of Trustees has authorized the Provost to evaluate each member of the faculty of the University pursuant to IC 21-39.5-2, in adherence with the procedures of the University for the evaluation of members of the faculty of the University under Policy 305 Faculty Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure. Evaluation criteria shall be developed and interpreted in accordance with Policies 305.3.2, 305.13, and 305.21. The Provost and the University President shall report any result of such evaluation as may require the attention of the Board of Trustees to the Board in accordance with IC 21-39.5-2.
    • Post-Tenure Review and Continued Evaluation Reports. The University President shall, at least once every academic year, notify the Board of Trustees those members of the faculty of the University who have been subject to Post-Tenure Review and Continued Evaluation during the prior year under 305.21.1, and shall certify compliance with IC 21-35.9-2-2(a) and IC 21-35.9-2-2(c).
    • Post-Tenure Review and Continued Evaluation Responses. If the University Provost determines, as a result of Post-Tenure Review and Continued Evaluation under Policy 305.21.1, that a member of the faculty of the University has not met the criteria of Policy 305. Additional Criteria Required by Statute, the University Provost shall recommend corrective action to the Board of Trustees pursuant to I.C. 21-35.9-2-2(d) and the protections and procedures of Policies 146 and 305 Faculty Appointment, Promotion, Tenure, and Evaluation. .
    • Review of Policy. No later than every five (5) years from the Adoption of Policy 130.3.10 Certain Matters Regarding the Evaluation of The Faculty of the University, the Provost of the University shall present the Board of Trustees with a recommendation for any amendment to such Policy 130.3.10 and any related policy of the University as the Provost of the University has determined would best serve the operation, organization, and administration of the University.
130.4 Absence, Disability, or Death of the University President

In the event of the death or disability of the University President, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall serve as Acting President of the University until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University. In the event of the death or disability of both the University President and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, then the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration shall serve as Acting President of the University until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.

  • 130.4.1 Absence from Vigo County, Indiana. If the University President plans to be absent from Vigo County, Indiana, and believes that it would be advisable that an Acting President be designated to serve during such absence, the University President, in writing delivered to the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Board, may designate either the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration to serve as Acting President during such absence; provided, however, that no such designation of an Acting President shall be effective for a period longer than 30 days.
    • Powers and Duties of Acting President. The Acting President of the University, while serving as such under the provisions of any of the three (3) preceding paragraphs, shall exercise and perform all powers and duties theretofore delegated by the Board of Trustees to the University President and all other powers and duties inherent in the office of the University President.
  • 130.4.2 Determination of Disability Status.
    • Declaration of Disability by University President. The University President may at any time declare to the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary of the Board in writing that he/she is temporarily disabled to perform the duties of University President. Upon the receipt by the Secretary of such written declaration, the University President shall be deemed to be in the status of disability until the time then or subsequently specified by the University President in writing delivered to the Secretary of the Board as the time at which he/she will resume the duties of University President.
    • Declaration of Disability by President of Board of Trustees. If, in the event of illness or personal injury of the University President, the President of the Board of Trustees concludes the University President is unable to declare his/her own disability, or concludes that it would be inadvisable, under the circumstances of the illness or injury, to ask the University President to make such a declaration, the President of the Board of Trustees may state his/her conclusion in that respect to the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of such a written statement by the President of the Board of Trustees, then the University President shall be deemed to be in the status of disability until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, at which time the Board shall take such action as it deems appropriate. If, in the event of the illness or personal injury of both the University President and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the President of the Board of Trustees concludes that each is unable to make a personal declaration of disability, or concluded that it would be inadvisable, under the circumstances of the illnesses or injuries, to ask them to make such declarations, then the President of the Board of Trustees may state his/her conclusion in that respect to the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Board in writing. Upon the receipt of such a written statement by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary, both the University President and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall be deemed to be in the status of disability until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, at which time the Board shall take such action as it deems appropriate.
  • 130.4.3 Action by Board of Trustees. At the first meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University following the death or disability of the University President, the Board of Trustees, by resolution, shall designate a person to serve as Acting President of the University until a designated time or until further action of the Board.
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